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Ante-nuptial Contracts

An antenuptial contract must be entered into prior to your marriage.

Various attorneys draft antenuptial contracts without consulting with the parties to explain the significance of this contract and the consequences thereof.

As with most things, you get what you pay for. Many couples will go to an attorney who they will choose based only on the fact that this attorney charges the lowest price. Unfortunately, it is on dissolution of the marriage that the parties regret their decision, in that their antenuptial contract was poorly drafted and results in the parties paying more in legal fees at this stage as a result of this. Rather pay a specialised family law attorney such as us to assist you in drafting this most significant contract that will govern your marriage.

It is essential that you understand the various matrimonial regimes available in South Africa and the consequences thereof in how to deal with your assets during the course of your marriage as well as how your assets and liabilities will be dealt with on dissolution of your marriage.

Bear in mind that “Love is blind but marriage is an eye-opener”. Start your marriage understanding your rights. Don’t keep your head in the sand until its too late.

Don’t sign anything until you know your rights in law and the consequences of what you are signing.

Contact us to set up a consultation to advise you properly on your antenuptial contract.